About the Leg Up Program
Who Can Apply?
The Leg Up Programme un, deux, trois, hop! is a registered charitable organization recognized by the Canada Revenue Agency. We provide riding lessons to eligible youth who live in the capital region of New Brunswick.
We match up young riders with Equestrian Canada certified coaches for 12 lessons*, and provide helmets and boots to give youth a leg up in equestrian sport.
Our coaches are located in the capital region. For a list of participating coaches, email us at legupprogramme@gmail.com.
*The number of lessons may vary for participants with different needs who require additional equipment to ride.
Youth between the ages of 8 and 18 who:
- Live in the capital region of New Brunswick (this includes the area from Gagetown to Keswick to Stanley - if you aren't sure, write to us to find out if there is a coach near you!)
- Have access to transportation to a stable (a gas allowance will be provided to help with this expense)
- Would find it challenging to afford riding lessons without this program (see the application form or our FAQ section for income cut-off)
- Click here to apply!
We gratefully acknowledge the support of the province of New Brunswick, Sport Canada, Canadian Women & Sport, the Fredericton Progressive Credit Union, Shur Gain Feeds 'n Needs Fredericton, the Fredericton Community Foundation, the City of Fredericton, and the Capital Exhibition Centre.
If you would like to sponsor a participant or donate to the program, please reach out to us at legupprogramme@gmail.com.
We accept donations in the form of cash or in-kind contributions and can issue receipts for purposes of income tax.